The Mist Club (eBook)
• Book Preview (first pages)
• Language: English
• Reading age: 10+
• Genre: Adventure / Fantasy• Author: Iván Bolaños
• Editor: Abucci & Barone
• Payment: PayPal / Credit Card
• Download contains 2 files: epub, pdf
In the 1980s, a group of friends created a brotherhood in which they shared exciting adventures. They built a treehouse and adhered to a strict code. Thirty years later, the children of those founding members continue the legacy.
Raquel, one of the twins aspiring to join the club, is an outstanding athlete at school, facilitating her entry. However, her brother Ramon will not have it so easy and decides to prove his worth through an act of great courage.
Discover the mystery that Alejandro, Veronica, Roberto, and Felipe must solve after Ramon challenges some enigmatic pre-Inca ruins in his quest to prove that he too is worthy of being part of the brotherhood.